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Invites the INBA delegation to US

स्वतंत्र आवाज़ डॉट कॉम

Friday 10 April 2015 02:30:04 AM


New Delhi: USIBC will host a selected Indian lawyers at Washington DC and New York from June 12 to 19, 2015.The India Desk head of US Law Firm and In-house counsel will be attending this seminar. We sense that there is an need for our legal systems to collaborate in learning and improving public perceptions on promoting leadership and expediting case flow and building a relationship through partnering exchange missions.
The topics to be recovered the labour relations system, the consequences of terminating employment contracts, employment litigation. Also, the presenters will point out specific particularities of the employment laws in their various countries. Other topic include-How to open office and Regulatory compliance, How to hire a local attorney Key insights and information on European markets and sectors, During your visit, we want to have a series of prospective meetings with the Israel Lawyers & Law Firms and seek collaborative programs and knowledge exchanges as well as delegates from USA and Europe.
INBA is organizing a webinar on Business Etiquettes which would also include Resume Drafting & Presentation Skills. The webinar focuses on presenting oneself with finesse and making others comfortable in a business setting and focuses on business etiquette protocols that are essential to make a positive and long lasting impression in the international business environment.

हिन्दी या अंग्रेजी [भाषा बदलने के लिए प्रेस F12]